Isn’t it, high time, our public officials, started prioritize life, living, quality – of – life, and public health, and safety, rather than many, petty, partisan issues, they seem to concentrate – on? Should you will find there’s healthcare system, that is based – on, not just, what exactly is referred to, as use of care, but, rather, to affordability, and availability, instead? Instead, way too many politicians, usually frame their discussions, on, politics, political rhetoric, and popular with their core supporters (or, the things they perceive, as so), perhaps, as it seems (in their mind), to be, the trail of least resistance, etc! Although, many factors/ issues/ obstacles, etc, are based on this process, and just how we deliver, and perceive of, healthcare, this information will, instead, make an effort to, briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, 5 healthcare – related issues/ challenges/ obstacles/ options/ paths, to take into account.
- Maintain existing system/ mostly private: Some, state, our present system, would be the way – forward, because, it’s based on capitalism, and the majority others, are socialist! However, that which you presently have, adds – to, the ever – expanding, 2 America’s, with all the haves, and still have – nots, determined by an individual’s chance to pay, and afford treatment! Some individuals, either, don’t receive, all of the possible options, alternatives, and/ or, treatments, since they can’t shell out the dough! Should usage of, and availability, of the most useful, possible care, be determined by the chance to pay?
- Medicare – for – all: Some propose, what’s referred to, as, Medicare – for – all, where healthcare, is, centralized, to a public, as an alternative to private one! Although, it resolves, the very idea of, unequal treatment, it will not, make the best system! Would the lower fees, probably, paid, to physicians, and also other health workers, deter some, from entering, and/ or, keeping that field? Although, supporters state, everyone enjoys their Medicare, is, that, in – fact, true? They, also, claim, it could be the most affordable approach, but, when, one calculates, what he pays – to the system, during his entire work – life, in payroll – deductions, and, then, the monthly charges, for Part B, and medications, plus an Advantage Plan, limits one’s choices, for physicians, etc, and, the ever – rising costs, and recent, financial challenges, Medicare, faces, would it be really, free?
- More options: How can we, possibly, balance, the fee – factors, in relationship, to quality care? How will we balance, paying healthcare workers, what they have to deserve, and, the best system?
- Address prescription prices: The cost of many prescription medications, rises, and, for a lot of of these, Americans pay, considerably more, than, nearly, anywhere, else, for your identical drugs! We must take politics, plus the political influence on the pharmaceutical industry, out – of – the – equation, and create a real attempt, to increase this obstacle, inside a realistic, workable manner!
- Difference between usage of, and accessibility to affordable care/ treatment: Beware, when some claim, we already, provide, usage of treatments, etc, you will find there’s real difference, between, mere – access, and, actual, availability on the best treatments, for – all!
Improving healthcare, for – all, is usually a challenging issue, which requires, thinking – outside – the – box, plus a willingness, to proceed, with objective – pragmatism, to accomplish a meeting – of – the – minds, for your greater – good! If we don’t, we have been saying, health, just isn’t an American right, and, wouldn’t that certainly be a horrible, statement, with the current – predicament, with this nation?